Friday, January 24, 2014

Thoughts Drifting Off to Hawaii

The half ironman training is in full-swing in this house, but that should not be our only Hawaii-related focus.  Megan, Bridget and I have found our minds drifting off to, what we believe will be, an amazing island vacation! Fashion, food, and island activities.  It only stands to reason that we should spend a little time on Pinterest daydreaming about spending 10 days in a warmer climate...and what better time to do this than now, when we're getting super frigid temps here in Northern Ohio!

We'll be celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary while in Hawaii.  This might be a nice outfit just for that dinner!

Luau outfit, maybe? Would be nice for going to dinner on both islands.

Greg has scheduled us for a luau about 3 hours after our expected finish time.  I'm hoping the seats are comfortable and the people next to us don't mind the sweet scent of Icy Hot!

I've always been known as the turtle and not the hare.  Let's hope this little fellow will show me the way to each of the buoys and recognize me as one of his own!

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